Oct. 9, a tight race for the top position continues! - 2017 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge Report (6)


Day 2, the teams were back on the road from 8 am. The leaders started about 10 km south from Daly Waters ahead of the pack, but the co-leaders were still close together with six teams from 3rd to 8th place having camping and starting all together at Daly Waters.

Teams recharging their solar car, as they get ready for 8 am. We need to watch out no to cast a shadow over the panels.

Local children came out to see the cars run by.

About 100 km from Tennant Creek, the third control stop, Car No.3 Nuon Solar Team from the Netherlands encounters some trouble and Car No.10 Tokai University from Japan overtakes. However, only 40 km down, Nuon is back in front and enters Tennant Creek with a 2.5-min lead.

The route passes right near to Devil's Marbles, a magnificent scenery of big rocks in strange shapes.

At Barrow Creek, the fourth control stop, Nuon is still ahead and Tokai follows with only a three-min behind.

On the other hand, in Cruiser Class, teams compete with more practical vehicles. The defending champion, Car No.40 Solar Team Eindhoven from the Netherlands who use an amazing five-seater car is in the lead.

Car No.11 HS Bochum SolarCar-Team from Germany, who had had trouble the first day, caught up and is at second in travel distance.