Oct.14, Cruiser Class Public Judging Takes Place! - 2017 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge Report (11)


Evaluation on practicality for the Cruiser Class took place amid onlookers at Victoria Square in Adelaide. The results for Cruiser Class cars are determined by an energy efficiency score during the 3,000 km journey, plus a practicality score determined by a panel of judges.

In the context of “which car they would want to buy”, the judges evaluate the cars on a scale of 0 (Low) to 10 (High) for each of the following areas:
1. Cabin space / Comfort
2. Features
3. Ease of operation
4. Desirability
5. Bonus score (Anything that was especially appealing)

Three point turn and parallel parking are tested as well.

In the cabin space check, teams would load various items such as bicycles, child seats and carriages to appeal to the judges.

Announcement of results and the awards ceremony will take place the next day!