E N L I T E N ®ENLITEN®, the "new premium in the EV era"

ENLITEN® is a base technology for product design that realizes “ultimate customization” based on customer needs and usage conditions. This page introduces the technology and performance of ENLITEN® as well as Bridgestone's initiatives in BWSC.

V A L U EDesired tire performance in the EV Era

Desired tire performance diversifies with the evolution of mobility. Beyond providing safe ride comfort with peace of mind and handling stability, desired tire value diversifies in the EV era.
This includes improvement in EV’s driving range and low electric consumption through light weight and low rolling resistance, as well as reduction of environmental impact such as enhancing resource productivity and wear resistance.
Responding to these situations, ENLITEN® will pursue “ultimate customization” in accordance with desired tire performance of each mobility and usage condition, and thereby will provide new value to society and customers.


By creating tires “thinner, lighter, and rounder”, we can expand the performance spider chart. Creating them “thinner and lighter” enhances resource productivity and environmental performance including low rolling resistance, while creating tires “rounder” improves driving performance such as handling stability and ride comfort.

ENLITEN® is a base technology for product design that realizes “ultimate customization”. This sharpens edge in performances that not only responds to customers’ needs and wants but further inspires them, by pursuing “thinner, lighter and rounder” and leveraging its expanded performance spider chart.

U L T I M A T E C U S T O M I Z A T I O N F O R   B W S C

Extreme electricity consumption efficiency and durabilityCOST-EFFECTIVE / DURABILITY

In BWSC, while staying close to participating teams, we listen to the voices regarding desired tire performance and deeply understand the characteristics of solar cars. By doing so, we develop tires that secure safety and peace of mind and thereby ensure the best performance of the teams and solar cars. In the extreme racing condition of running across approximately 3,000 km with limited electricity from solar power, we are pursuing “ultimate customization” that sharpens edge in performance specialized to “electricity consumption efficiency to cover long distances with limited electricity” and “durability to complete the race”.

Improvement in recycled & renewable material ratioSUSTAINABILITY

With a passion to support sustainable motorsports, we are also refining sustainable tire technology. The tires adopted by BWSC use recovered carbon black and silica from rice husks as raw materials, achieving 63% of recycled & renewable material ratio (MCN – Material Circularity Number).


“Mobile lab”

Bridgestone positions sustainable global motorsports as a "mobile laboratory" to refine sustainable technology and reflects it to the development of tires for the markets, by establishing ENLITEN® technology as well as driving development towards its next generation technology.

Leading to drive sustainability across the entire value chain

We will promote initiatives at once such as driving carbon neutrality and enhancing recycled & renewable material ratio, that contributes to the realization of a circular economy across the entire value chain of motorsports tires, from development, production, to supply. Through these efforts, we aim to accelerate sustainability of the entire company, using motorsports as a starting point.

Developing and introducing sustainable tires

Recycled & renewable material ratio significantly increased from 30% in the 2019 event to 63% in 2023. Not only did we enhance tire performance for solar cars through “ultimate customization” by ENLITEN®, but also contributed to sustainability.

Low-carbon tire transportation

We achieved 100% carbon-neutral transportation by combining the use of sustainable marine fuels and the offset of emissions through carbon credits.