Corporate Governance

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Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

The Group considers the enhancement of corporate governance to be one of its most important management focus points. The Group believes that working to increase management quality and enhance the transparency of decisionmaking is indispensable, and accordingly, continually strives to strengthen corporate governance. This ensures that the Group continues to fulfill its founding mission as stated in its corporate philosophy: “Serving Society with Superior Quality.”

Based on this approach, in accordance with the responsibility and authority delineated in the Administrative Authority Rules, and in line with the Policy Management Rules, the Company is committed to developing, communicating, and abiding by fair, transparent decision-making and management policies.

Report on the Corporate Governance Code

Bridgestone Corporation submitted the report on the “Corporate Governance Code” to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, with verification concerning the state of correspondence to all principals. The “Corporate Governance Code” was added to the listing rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2015 to contribute to the realization of effective “Corporate Governance” as the KEY principals. The Company publishes “Corporate Governance Code Report” and published them on its website.

Through the explanation of the Company’s idea of the “Corporate Governance” and introducing efforts towards it, Bridgestone Corporation is aiming to promote greater understanding of its “Corporate Governance”.

2024 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (716KB)

Guidelines for Determining the Independence of Board Members (86KB)

Back Number

2023 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (668KB)

2022 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (591KB)

2021 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (announced in December 2021) (436KB)

2021 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (announced in May 2021) (296KB)

2020 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (413KB)

2019 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (438KB)

2018 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (announced in December 2018)(402KB)

2018 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (announced in May 2018)(291KB)

2017 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (269KB)

2016 Report on the Corporate Governance Code (252KB)

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure(including Auditing Structure)

Internal Control Systems: Basic Approach and Implementation

Compensation System for Directors and Executive Officers

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors’ Meetings