Tokyo (September 28, 2012) - Bridgestone Corporation today announced the publication of its Bridgestone Group CSR Report 2012.
The Bridgestone Group is committed to practicing Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR - globally in all of its business practices as a means of realizing The Bridgestone Essence, the company's corporate philosophy. In addition to describing the Group's principal CSR achievements in 2011, the 2012 report also introduces the "company's ideal future state", identifies "objectives that embody that ideal state", and sets forth the Group's "principal plans for 2012 and beyond".
The characteristic features of this year's CSR report are outlined below.
The English content has been translated in accordance with the Japanese CSR report 2012.
1. About the report
The report is available in three forms: printed version, PDF and HTML. The characteristics of each form are as follows.
PDF version: Contains basic information and is available on the web site.
HTML version: Contains content for people who need more detailed information than that included in the PDF version.
Printed version*: Contains a summary of the content in the PDF and HTML versions.
* The same information can be accessed through the PDF version, which is available on the web site.
Bridgestone is working on reduction of the use of paper resources by publishing the printed version in digest form.
Comparison of Information Volume in Each Version HTML version (detailed) > PDF version (basic information) > printed version (digest)
2. Initiatives Related to 22 CSR Focus Points
Among a wide range of general social features, the Bridgestone Group has identified 22 CSR Focus Points and organized them according to three perspectives: importance to society, importance to the Bridgestone Group, and progress by the Group in implementing the necessary measures. This report clarifies the status of our activities in 2011 and provides detailed information about our plans for 2012 and thereafter.
3. Selection of the Feature Topic
The Bridgestone Group considered themes with a high degree of importance to stakeholders and selected three in which the Group made major progress in 2011. These themes-Products, Initiatives to address social issues through business operations, and local communities-are introduced in the feature section.
Three Themes
Bridgestone Group products and technologies that support a safe, secure society.
[Initiatives Related to Social Issues]
Initiatives to address social issues through business operations.
[Local Communities]
Information regarding initiatives implemented in countries around the world to give local communities a better understanding of the Group's CSR activities.
This report is intended to provide a better understanding of the Group's CSR activities among stakeholders who will benefit from having the information in English.
Bridgestone Group CSR Report 2012: English Version
URL for PDF version (same information as printed version)
URL for HTML version: