About Bridgestone Corporation:
Bridgestone Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, is the world’s largest tire and rubber company. In addition to tires for use in a wide variety of applications, it also manufactures a broad range of diversified products, which include industrial rubber and chemical products and sporting goods. Its products are sold in over 150 nations and territories around the world.
News - 2015
Tokyo (June 29, 2015) ― Bridgestone Corporation has published, "Looking Ahead to the World in 2050," the Bridgestone Group's Environmental Report 2015 in English, which presents the Group's environmental activities*1. The report includes the results of the Group's activities in 2014*2 and future plans based on its long-term environmental vision for 2050 and beyond. The highlights of this year's report are as follows.
Cover of the Environmental Report 2015
The Group's progress and results for the long-term environmental vision
The report details the Group's progress in 2014 in three areas of activities under the long-term environmental vision - "In harmony with nature," "Value natural resources," and "Reduce CO2 emissions." For example, through a joint R&D venture, the Group has developed a highly functional tire rubber compound that advances the Group's initiatives targeting 100% sustainable materials*3. For further information, please see pages 15 and 16 of the report.
Third-party assurance
In regard to the release of the Group's CO2 emissions results and water intake results in the report, the Company received assurance from a third-party institution to ensure the transparency, completeness, and accuracy of the shared information. For further information, please see page 27 of the environmental report.
Please download the Group's Environmental Report from the following link:
"Environmental Report"
*1 Activities of the Bridgestone Group include those of its domestic and international subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
*2 Some data in 2014 covered by the report is currently being collected, and it will be disclosed on Bridgestone's "Environment" webpage after it is collected and reviewed. For further information, please visit here. In addition, the Group's environmental information will be updated as needed, including data reported to governmental institutions (April 2014 to March 2015). Some qualitative information about environmental activities on the report is included through March 2015.
*3 The Company defines sustainable materials as materials that are derived from resources with a continual supply, can be used as part of the Group's business over the long-term, and have a low environmental and social impact across the whole life cycle from procurement to disposal.