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Why are tires black?

Why are tires black?

Tires are black because the rubber used to make them contains a black carbon material called carbon black which is also used as black pigment for printing ink, toner, and mascara, etc. Carbon black added to rubber to increase its strength

Why do tires have grooves?

Why do tires have grooves on them?

Tires have specifically designed grooves called a tread pattern. The tread pattern is an important factor in tire performance because it helps prevent slippage and channels water in wet conditions.

How big is the worlds biggest tire?

How big is the worlds biggest tire?

About 4 m.
It is this big in comparison with people.

How large is the contact area between a tire and the ground?

How large is the contact area between a tire and the ground?

The surface area that makes contact between a tire and the road is actually quite small. In the case of passenger tires, it is about the size of a postcard.
