A Bridgestone R&D base in Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
was renovated to create Bridgestone Innovation Park,
a global innovation campus that helps the company to connect and interact
with its stakeholders and create new social and customer value.
The automobile industry is facing fundamental shifts as represented by CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric) and MaaS (Mobility as a Solution). Bridgestone views this change as an opportunity to create new value for society and its customers.
Bridgestone has fostered strength in the form of rubber mastery to see, analyze and manage ,which is cultivated by developing products and materials, the enormous amounts of data amassed during this process, and combining it with the craftsperson skills refined on the manufacturing floor over many years. This strong Real rubber technology forms the foundation for our R&D activities and is our greatest strength.
By combining these technologies, enormous amounts of data, and craftsperson skills with simulations, algorithms, and other digital technologies, Bridgestone will further enhance its strong Real rubber technology. Moreover, we will generate innovation unique to Bridgestone through the combination of strong Real and Digital technologies.
Together with our various stakeholders, we will utilize the innovation born out of this combination of our strong Real rubber technology and Digital technologies to create new value for society and customers. This is the approach Bridgestone will take in its R&D activities going forward.
B-Innovation is an open innovation base for co-creating new value through engagement with various internal and external stakeholders.
B-Mobility is a facility equipped with analytical equipment and test courses that allow for new ideas and prototypes created at B-Innovation to be tested immediately. This facility thereby support swift research and development.
In the 1960s, Bridgestone’s founder Shojiro Ishibashi built the company’s former Tokyo plant and Technical Center in Kodaira City, Tokyo.
He aimed to advance motorization and create an inclusive, active, and healthy local community that valued the surrounding environment.