Bridgestone Americas (BSAM) celebrated 2018 World Environment Day by donating 2,332 hectares of the
Bridgestone Nature Reserve at Chestnut Mountain to The Nature
Conservancy in Tennessee (TNC). The land is
adjacent to more than 6,000 hectares of the Bridgestone/Firestone Centennial Wilderness Area the BSAM
gifted to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency in 1998 and 2000.
The donation protects habitats for many endangered plant and animal species. TNC has conducted a forest
carbon offset project to fund the reserve’s management and offset carbon emissions from the BSAM
headquarters building in downtown Nashville, Tennessee for 25 years.
BSAM continues to remain dedicated and involved with the TNC and its neighbors, and in 2019, participated in
the Bridgestone Nature Reserve at Chestnut Mountain inaugural Community Day celebration. In addition, they
donated $50,000 for South Carolina forest carbon program from the Bridgestone Trust Fund in 2021.
Also, six of the Bridgestone Group manufacturing locations in the U.S. and Mexico are Certified Wildlife
Habitats. The Group works with the Wildlife Habitat Council to help
manage the more than 930 hectares in
the program to foster habitat conservation and improve biodiversity.