ESG Data
Environmental data

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Third-party assurance of environmental and social data

To ensure accuracy and transparency of environmental and social data, the Bridgestone Group received third-party assurance from a third-party institution in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 and ISO 14064-3.

Independent Assurance Statement (241KB)

Verification of primarily based in two countries, four bases/facilities was conducted; issues at the various bases were identified and solutions were proposed and implemented.

Locations where assessments were implemented for third-party verification in 2023

Name of country Name of facility Main product(s) Function
Japan Head office in Tokyo, Bridgestone Corporation - Summary and report concerning environmental and social data at various facilities
Spain Bilbao plant Tires Measurement of and report concerning environmental and safety data from facility
Mexico Monterrey plant Tires Measurement of and report concerning environmental and safety data from facility
Mexico Mexico Carbon Manufacturing S.A. DE C.V. Carbon black Measurement of and report concerning environmental and safety data from facility

Environmental data

FY2023 data items with ✩ are those for which assurance is provided, while FY2023 data items in bold are those reviewed through the verification processes.

The following data is available in Excel file for download.

ESG data (Excel) (38.7KB)


Data items Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 GRI
☆Amount of raw materials used Thousand tonnes 5,051 4,150 4,611 4,389 3,969 GRI 301-1
☆Resource productivity*1 Million JPY/Thousand tonnes (Thousand USD/Tonnes) 698 (6.37) 722 (6.98) 704 (6.12) 936 (7.05) 1,087 (7.66) -
Improvement rate of resource productivity (compared with 2005) % 33 38 34 79 107 -
☆Ratio of recycled and renewable material*2 % - 37.0 37.2 38.4 39.6 GRI 301-1
☆(Ratio of renewable material)*2 % - 26 26 26 26.4
☆(Ratio of recycled material)*2 % - 11 11 12 13.2 GRI 301-2
Reclaimed products rate*3 % - - - - 66.5 GRI 301-3
  1. Sales per raw material used.
  2. Within total material weight for tire products including tire casing for retreading.
  3. Ratio of beneficial use such as material recycle, energy recovery, etc. except for retread based on latest statistical data of tires.


Data items Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 GRI
☆Total energy consumption (Manufacturing sites and Non-manufacturing sites)*1*2 Thousand GJ 45,002 38,311 42,726 45,132 40,989 GRI 302-1
☆(from total energy consumption (renewable))*2 Thousand GJ 953 1,767 2,847 4,702 11,288
☆(from total energy consumption (non-renewable))*2 Thousand GJ 44,049 36,545 39,879 40,429 29,701
☆Energy consumption (fuel)*2*3 Thousand GJ 26,192 22,032 24,668 25,959 23,256
☆(from renewable sources)*2 Thousand GJ 135 93 101 315 331
☆Energy consumption (purchased electricity)*2 Thousand MWh 4,852 4,192 4,654 5,012 4,674
☆(from renewable sources)*2*4 Thousand MWh 206 441 720 1,189 3,005
☆Energy consumption (purchased steam)*2 Thousand GJ 1,382 1,191 1,248 1,111 836
☆Energy consumption (self-generated renewable electricity from non-fuel sources; solar, etc.)*2 Thousand MWh 20.8 20.4 42.4 30.0 38.6
☆Electricity sold Thousand MWh 32 21 27 25 20
Energy intensity: Energy consumption per unit of sales (Manufacturing sites) GJ/100 million JPY (GJ/Million USD) 1,276
GRI 302-3
Reduction volume of energy consumption (Manufacturing sites) Thousand GJ 1,013 6,690 -4,415 168 3,833 GRI 302-4
  1. Calculation method: Fuel consumption + Purchased electricity + Purchased steam + Solar power generation, etc. - Electricity sold.
  2. The scope of FY2022 and beyond data is Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing sites and the scope of FY2019-FY2021 data is only Manufacturing sites.
  3. Includes fuel used for in-house power generation.
  4. Not include renewable energy in grid-power of each country.


Data items Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 GRI
☆Total water withdrawal*1 Thousand m3 68,303 63,744 66,744 67,983 63,990 GRI 303-3
☆Water withdrawal (surface water) Thousand m3 3,131 2,856 2,729 3,217 3,094
☆Water withdrawal (groundwater) Thousand m3 9,708 8,480 9,086 8,891 8,124
☆Water withdrawal (water supply, industrial water) Thousand m3 17,619 16,137 17,249 16,948 16,374
☆Water withdrawal (seawater) Thousand m3 37,844 36,271 37,678 38,927 36,397
☆Total water withdrawal by Manufacturing facilities in water stress areas*2 Thousand m3 3,208 2,873 2,981 2,712 2,493
☆Water withdrawal by Manufacturing facilities in water stress areas (surface water) Thousand m3 790 672 641 438 372
☆Water withdrawal by Manufacturing facilities in water stress areas (groundwater) Thousand m3 972 833 717 641 565
☆Water withdrawal by Manufacturing facilities in water stress areas (water supply, industrial water) Thousand m3 1,446 1,368 1,624 1,633 1,556
☆Water withdrawal by Manufacturing facilities in water stress areas (seawater) Thousand m3 0 0 0 0 0
Volume of recycled water Thousand m3 337,274 297,955 335,512 299,302 286,007 GRI 303
Total water discharge Thousand m3 57,095 54,006 53,299 57,720 54,898 GRI 303-4
Water discharge (to seawater) Thousand m3 39,675 38,335 36,614 40,916 38,466
Water discharge (to surface water) Thousand m3 11,610 10,122 10,544 11,138 11,322
Water discharge (to groundwater) Thousand m3 0 0 0 0 0
Water discharge (to third-party water) Thousand m3 5,810 5,549 6,141 5,666 5,110
Water returned to the source of extraction at similar or higher quality as raw water extracted*3 Thousand m3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 GRI 303-4
Water consumption (freshwater)*4 Thousand m3 29,903 26,879 28,461 28,437 27,058 GRI 303-5
  1. The water withdrawal does not include the recycled water from third parties and the rainwater.
  2. Manufacturing facilities that have water-related riskes due to their locations in areas with the risk of deterioration of fresh water resources in terms of quantity and quality.
  3. Subject: Surface water and groundwater, including estimates.
  4. Calculation method: Water withdrawal (water supply, industrial water) + Water withdrawal (surface water) + Water withdrawal (groundwater) - Water returned to the source of extraction at similar or higher quality as raw water extracted.


Data items Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 GRI
☆Greenhouse gas emissions: Manufacturing sites and Non-manufacturing sites (CO2 Scope 1)*1 Thousand t-CO2 1,807 1,504 1,722 1,789 1,575 GRI 305-1
☆Greenhouse gas emissions: Manufacturing sites and Non-manufacturing sites (CO2 Scope 2, market based)*1 Thousand t-CO2 2,139 1,659 1,664 1,503 495 GRI 305-2
☆Greenhouse gas emissions: Manufacturing sites and Non-manufacturing sites (CO2 Scope 2, location based)*1 Thousand t-CO2 2,285 1,932 2,062 2,197 1,987
☆Greenhouse gas emissions: Manufacturing sites and Non-manufacturing sites (CO2 Scope 1 + Scope 2, market based)*1 Thousand t-CO2 3,946 3,162 3,387 3,292 2,070 GRI 305-1, 2
GHG emissions intensity (CO2 Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions per rubber production volume, tire business) t-CO2/t 1.416 1.411 1.224 1.103 0.714 GRI 305-4
☆Greenhouse gas emissions (CH4 and N2O Scope 1 + Scope 2) Thousand t-CO2e 16 14 16 14 7 GRI 305-1
☆Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)*2 Thousand t-CO2 110,378 100,097 113,421 109,688 99,201 GRI 305-3
☆Contribution to CO2 reduction (compared with 2020)*3 Thousand t-CO2 - - 1,579 2,854 3,491 GRI 305-5
☆NOx emissions*4 Tonnes 1,969 1,629 1,839 1,875 1,660 GRI 305-7
☆SOx emissions*4 Tonnes 850 603 588 500 511
VOC emissions from solvent Tonnes 15,320 11,373 13,138 12,217 10,642
  1. The scope of FY2022 and beyond data is Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing sites and the scope of FY2019-FY2021 data is only Manufacturing sites.
  2. Category 8 and 13 are excluded of the 15 categories in Scope 3 of the GHG protocol.
  3. Calculated using Bridgestone's calculation method based on the “Tyre LCCO2 Calculation Guidelines Ver. 3.0.1” (The Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association, Inc), citing fuel consumption data from the International Council on Clean Transportation and other sources.
  4. Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels estimated based on fuel consumption data and corresponding emission factors.


Data items Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 GRI
☆Volume of waste generated*1 Thousand tonnes 359 289 289 284 286 GRI 306-3
☆Volume of recycled waste*2 Thousand tonnes 308 259 272 268 271 GRI 306-4
☆Recycling waste rate*3 % 86 90 94 94 95
☆Volume of waste to landfill Thousand tonnes 52 30 17 17 15 GRI 306-5
☆Volume of regulated hazardous waste generated*4 Thousand tonnes 21 19 20 25 26 GRI 306-3
☆Volume of regulated hazardous waste recycled*4 Thousand tonnes 18 16 16 22 23 GRI 306-4
☆Volume of regulated hazardous waste to landfill*4 Thousand tonnes 3 3 4 3 3 GRI 306-5
☆Product Circularity*5 % - 97 96 98 99 GRI 306-4
  1. Total volume of waste including non-hazardous waste and regulated hazardous waste.
  2. Calculation method: Volume of waste generated - Volume of waste to landfill.
  3. Calculation method: Volume of recycled waste / Volume of waste generated.
  4. Calculated based on laws of each country. The calculation scope of regulated hazardous waste is partially expanded from 2022.
  5. A concept to show circularity of used products. The Bridgestone Group uses the ratio of beneficial next use of used tires collected by its shops/stores (based on the number of shops/stores and contracts with processing companies) as the indicator for product circularity.

Environmental management

Data items Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 GRI
☆Sites with ISO 14001 certification* % 98.1 98.0 99.3 100.0 100.0 -

* Within 139 sites that are targeted for ISO 14001 certification

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