The Bridgestone Group conducts its corporate activities based on the Bridgestone E8 Commitment, which is key to creating value consistent with the Bridgestone Essence (Corporate Philosophy), including the Mission of “Serving Society with Superior Quality”. These are common values each and every employee globally embraces, and are the standards we use when making decisions.
These are the same standards we apply to tax.
The Group believes contributing to the development of local communities in which it operates and continuing to fulfill its social responsibilities through appropriate tax payments is important for sustainable value creation and has established its Tax Policy accordingly. To promote this policy, we are investing in the development of personnel to ensure they have the necessary skills and technical expertise.
Bridgestone Group Tax Policy
This Tax Policy was approved at a meeting of the Bridgestone Corporation Board of Directors on December 23, 2024.
Comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates, paying the tax properly due under a reasonable interpretation of the law. Set appropriate transfer price in accordance with the arm’s length principle.
Disclose tax information in a timely and appropriate manner, whether in response to requests from tax authorities or in response to legal and regulatory obligations, while striving to maintain and build constructive relationships with stakeholders, including tax authorities.
Corporate Value
Contribute to society through appropriate tax payments and strive to improve corporate value by tax optimization in compliance with local laws and regulations.
Commit not to engage in tax avoidance without reasonable commercial purpose, including use of tax havens. -
The Global CFO monitors the Group’s tax matters to identify and strive to minimize tax risks at an early stage, then reports to the Board of Directors periodically. For important transactions or disputes related to tax matters, the Global CEO reports to the Board of Directors in a timely and appropriate manner.
If there are any differences or discrepancies between the original Japanese-language and this English translation, the meaning of the Japanese version takes precedence.