Compliance, Fair Competition

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Ensure excellence through compliance and integrity
We build trust with all stakeholders by ensuring that ethical decision-making guides responsible business practices throughout the Company’s operations.

The Bridgestone Group’s commitment to ethics, compliance and integrity helps it continuously achieve its mission of Serving Society with Superior Quality and supports its goal of building an effective ethics and compliance program. The Group’s Code of Conduct, which was published in 2018 and redesigned and revised at the end of 2022, provides practical guidance on how to act ethically and with integrity. As the Global CEO states in his message that accompanied the updated Code of Conduct, “Whatever you do at Bridgestone, do it with integrity and let our Code guide you, always.”

This mission is important as anti-bribery and antitrust activities come under increasing scrutiny, along with other matters such as sexual harassment and data privacy. These issues are addressed in the Group’s Code of Conduct and Global Anti-Bribery Policy. In working toward becoming a sustainable solutions company, the policies and other global and regional ethics and compliance programs the Group develops must continue to adapt and evolve to the changing environment and regulatory landscapes.

The Group’s global ethics and compliance program consists of a blend of global and regional initiatives. It aims to balance global consistency with the flexibility needed to effectively address regional and even local risks that can vary significantly due to the wide range of operations the Group is involved in and the variety of geographic, legal and regulatory environments in which the Group operates. Whether at the local, regional or global level, initiatives are guided by the Group’s core values and principles and are united under a common framework.

Key elements of our ethics and compliance program

The Group’s global and regional ethics and compliance programs are built on the following five pillars:

  1. Leadership ⏤ the Group engages leaders, managers and supervisors throughout the organization on ethics and compliance to ensure employees act with integrity in everything they do.
  2. Risk assessment ⏤ the Group takes a risk-based approach in designing the ethics and compliance program.
  3. Standards and controls ⏤ the Group has a number of standards and controls, including the Code of Conduct, Global Anti-Bribery Policy and other global and regional standards and controls.
  4. Learning and Engagement ⏤ the Group communicates with employees and helps employees learn in a variety of ways, including e-learning, in-person and other training programs that are risk-based and designed for targeted audiences.
  5. Monitoring and responding ⏤ the ethics and compliance program provides multiple channels for employees and others to report allegations of misconduct or wrongdoing.


The success of any effective ethics and compliance program depends on the ongoing and proactive organization-wide engagement of leaders, managers and supervisors, all working to help build and sustain a culture of compliance. The following briefly highlights how the Group engages leaders at all levels throughout the organization.

Board oversight

Board oversight, supervision and engagement have been hallmarks of the Group’s ethics and compliance program for many years.

Overseen by the Board of Directors, and in collaboration with senior management in each region, the Bridgestone Group’s Global General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and the Global Law Leadership Team are principally responsible for the design, administration, evaluation and enhancement of the Group’s global and regional ethics and compliance programs. The CCO and Global Law Leadership Team are supported by the Group’s Compliance and Fair Competition Working Group (WG) and regional teams of dedicated ethics and compliance professionals. Together, they work to identify annual and long-term regional and global ethics and compliance priorities and goals, confirm the progress of activities at the regional and global level, and report the results to senior management. Since its establishment, the WG has carefully evaluated the key elements and practices of highly effective corporate ethics and compliance programs and instituted short- and long-term strategies to foster a culture of ethics and compliance that is consistent with the Group’s corporate values and principles.

Leaders, managers and supervisors

It is the responsibility of the leaders, managers and supervisors to abide by and enforce our zero-tolerance policy related to bribery and corruption. The Group regularly engages executive leaders, managers and supervisors to keep them informed and educated about developments in the ethics and compliance program; ensure leaders, managers and supervisors regularly talk about the importance of ethics and compliance; involve leaders in various training programs and communications; and help to ensure that ethics and compliance are at the center of all strategic plans and decisions. Periodic updates and reports are prepared and delivered by the regional ethics and compliance teams to their respective regional leadership teams and their respective Boards of Directors. And each region has a Regional Ethics and Compliance Advisory Panel, consisting of senior leaders from different parts of the business, to help advise on the direction of the ethics and compliance program and ensure its effectiveness.

Chief Compliance Officer

The Group’s Chief Compliance Officer periodically reports to the Board of Director’s Compliance Committee. Reports pertaining to global ethics and compliance activities are periodically made to the Board of Directors. The global compliance program, as well as the Code of Conduct (including its provisions related to the prohibition of all types of corruption, including bribery), is ultimately subject to the oversight of the Board of Directors.


While the ultimate responsibility for building and maintaining an effective ethics and compliance program starts with senior management, every employee must also own this responsibility. With that in mind, in addition to fostering regular and open communication with and among senior leadership on compliance improvement processes, the Group’s ethics and compliance program focuses on active engagement with employees at all levels (including managers and supervisors) within the organization to emphasize their responsibility to perform their roles with integrity and employ ethical business practices at all times. The Group’s ethics and compliance program uses this practical, risk-based approach to promote a true culture of ethics and compliance throughout the business.

Risk assessment

The Group takes a risk-based approach in designing the ethics and compliance program and promotes a true culture of compliance throughout its business. The Group regularly assesses how its operations are changing, as well as the evolving risks faced by the Group, and takes appropriate actions to address and mitigate such risks. The following briefly highlights how the Group manages risks relating to bribery, corruption and antitrust issues.

Global anti-bribery program

As a global company, the Group operates in countries with a wide range of risk profiles, making anti-bribery a central focus of its global compliance program, along with regional compliance education efforts. In 2023, the Group updated its Global Anti-Bribery Policy, which was launched in 2020, to reinforce its expectations of all employees and third-parties acting on its behalf and to realize the Bridgestone E8 Commitment. This policy reinforces the Group’s longstanding stance against bribery and corruption and represents another significant milestone toward achieving the Group’s long-term goal of having an effective global ethics and compliance program. This policy builds upon the Code of Conduct and conveys the Group's comprehensive stance against all forms of corruption, addressing topics such as bribery, facilitating payments, gifts and entertainment, dealings with third parties, books and records, and political contributions. The policy applies to employees of Group companies around the world, including joint ventures that it controls, and third parties acting on the Group’s behalf. Where the Group participates in but does not control a joint-venture relationship, it encourages partners to adopt similar requirements and abide by the principles of this policy in their own operations.

As further described below, the Group also recognizes the bribery risks that exist in working with third parties and conducts due diligence on third parties it engages. The Group has a robust compliance due diligence program, supported by a third-party screening tool, to identify bribery and trade-compliance risks presented by third parties with which the Group works.
The Global Anti-Bribery Policy and the tool help to significantly strengthen the Group’s global anti-bribery program.

Third-party relationships

The Group’s commitment to ethics and compliance extends to third parties with whom it does business. Accordingly, a variety of third parties that the Group engages and works with are subject to the expectations of the Code of Conduct and the Global Anti-Bribery Policy, including the Group’s comprehensive prohibition of bribery and corruption described above.

The Group’s suppliers are also subject to the requirements of the Global Sustainable Procurement Policy, which was established in 2018 and revised in 2021. The policy’s requirements include the strict prohibition of all forms of corruption, bribery, extortion and embezzlement, as well as a requirement to comply with applicable laws, including those related to competition. As to version 2.0, a revision that was implemented in 2021, the Group established the goal and KPI of “100% of Tier 1* suppliers will have acknowledged the revised Global Sustainable Procurement Policy.” (As of March 31, 2024, 87% of Tier 1 tire material suppliers had done so.)

The Group also seeks to mitigate third-party risks by conducting appropriate due diligence. This includes communicating the Group’s Global Anti-Bribery Policy and assessing risks posed by each third party. The risk-based approach – including the Group’s assessment of the relevant risks and procedures – is designed to ensure that high-risk third parties are subject to enhanced due diligence and ongoing monitoring. These third parties include government-owned or affiliated persons or entities, intermediaries (contractors and agents) and others operating in high-risk locations for bribery, money laundering or other forms of corruption. This ongoing due diligence helps inform the Group’s decisions about which third parties to engage and how the Group manages and oversees such relationships. If this due diligence or ongoing monitoring reveals any signs of irregularity, Bridgestone will take appropriate action, including but not limited to terminating business with the third party.

To further reinforce the compliance due diligence program and mitigate anti-bribery risks, the Group started a review of all high-risk intermediaries in 2023 with the aim of ensuring that proper controls are in place when engaging with these intermediaries. As of December 31, 2023, 87% of the Group's high-risk intermediaries have been reviewed.

The Group did not pay any fines, penalties or settlements in connection with corruption-related activities in 2023.

* Suppliers that supply materials directly to the Group.

Antitrust program

In addition to the guidance and requirements detailed in the Code of Conduct, all regions currently have their own antitrust policies in place for their respective regions and regularly evaluate how to continuously improve and strengthen their antitrust program. This is a topic that the Group takes seriously and makes sure that all its new and existing employees understand the requirements.

The departments responsible for compliance in each region work closely with other regional departments — including sales, marketing, human resources, procurement, finance and internal audit — to understand changes in the marketplace, workplace and society in general and to ensure that overall operations, including global and regional ethics and compliance programs, evolve in parallel. Because the global and regional ethics and compliance programs are intricately linked to all aspects of the Group’s business and operations, the global and regional ethics and compliance functions proactively seek dialogue and opportunities to ensure that the global and regional ethics and compliance programs are supportive and reflective of the Mid Term Business Plan. This includes providing ongoing legal and compliance advice on antitrust laws and processes, and identifying employees who are most likely to face antitrust risks and provide training (which may be live, e-learning or other types of training) for those employees.

The global and regional ethics and compliance programs also regularly assess and test processes and standards to ensure they are well designed and effective to ensure compliance with applicable antitrust laws.

Standards and controls

The Group aims to provide appropriate guidance for its employees on how to think and act in accordance with the ethics and compliance program by carefully assessing what policies, procedures, and controls can help them do the right thing. The Group regularly reviews existing policies, processes, procedures and controls to ensure that they are effective and working as intended. The following describes some of the key compliance program policies.

The Bridgestone Group’s Code of Conduct

In 2018, regional codes of conduct were replaced by the Group’s global Code of Conduct, which is intended to provide employees, suppliers and contractors worldwide with practical guidance for handling a wide range of ethical issues, including anti-corruption, competition/antitrust, conflicts of interest, and corporate charitable and political donations. Toward realizing the Bridgestone E8 Commitment, the Group updated its global Code of Conduct at the end of 2022, with reference to the Group’s Global Anti-Bribery Policy, and to reflect the Group’s Global Human Rights Policy that was revised in 2022.

The Code of Conduct covers a variety of topics, including:

  • Promoting respect, dignity and diversity (including prohibitions on harassment and discrimination)
  • Privacy, personal data and confidential information, and integrity of records, disclosures and financial reports
  • Product safety and quality
  • Bribery, corruption, conflicts of interest, and gifts and entertainment
  • Trade restrictions
  • Free and fair competition

As a global organization, the Group ensures the Code of Conduct is easy to understand. Therefore, it has been published in multiple languages throughout the regions in which the Group does business. It is available to employees and the general public through global and regional corporate websites. It is also accessible to employees through the Group’s regional intranet sites.

Other global and regional policies

The Code of Conduct is supplemented by global, regional and local policies, which are available to employees through a variety of ways, including the Group’s corporate intranet sites, and some policies (such as the Global Anti-Bribery Policy) are publicly available on the Group’s website. These policies are consistent with the Code of Conduct and provide detailed and practical guidance on key topics, taking into consideration the requirements of local legislation. Each region creates additional processes or procedures (for example, processes and approval requirements relating to gifts, meals, entertainment and travel involving third parties) to help ensure the correct application and interpretation of the Code of Conduct and other global policies.

In the spirit of continuous improvement, the Group regularly evaluates the existing policies to address new compliance risks and to identify opportunities where it would make sense to consolidate regional or local policies into global policies.

Learning and engagement

A sign language training session on our Code of Conduct for employees in Brazil

Compliance is the responsibility of every Bridgestone Group employee. The Group is focusing on effective and risk-based education and employee engagement relating to ethics and compliance. These efforts start at the top, with business leaders regularly speaking about the importance of ethics and compliance and playing active roles in the Group’s compliance training and awareness programs.

Following the introduction of the Group’ Global Anti-Bribery Policy in 2020, the Group introduced an e-learning course in 2021 to help ensure that employees understand and comply with the policy. It also further engaged leaders in each region in embedding the policy in their operations. In 2023, the Group launched an updated mandatory e-learning course on the Code of Conduct in most regions. The average regional completion rate for employees with a corporate account was 93% as of December 31, 2023.

The Group strategically deploys an extensive training program in each region to help ensure Group employees are educated on the compliance risks most relevant to their work. In 2023, 1,142 live and online sessions were held globally. Employees, including sales team members, receive training on topics such as anti-corruption and antitrust/competition. Training on anti-corruption addresses the Group’s policy against all forms of corruption and covers topics such as bribery, facilitating payments, gifts and entertainment, money laundering, and political contributions.

In addition to live training sessions, the Group also uses e-learning training for targeted groups of employees. In 2023, the average regional completion rate for employees targeted for e-learning was 87% . Topics covered by e-learning in 2023 included, but not limited to, the Code of Conduct, anti-bribery, antitrust and data protection.

Tailored publicity related to the Group’s ethics and compliance program is organized on a regional or local level, with the support of common global tools. The Group is increasingly enhancing the communication efforts to incorporate digital messages and resources.

In addition to leadership messaging, regional and local efforts in 2023 included diverse events and programs. Specific examples are provided below.

  • For the fourth year in a row, the Group conducted a survey in Japan of more than 10,000 employees to measure overall knowledge and secure feedback on the ethics and compliance program, the Code of Conduct, the Global Anti-Bribery Policy and the different resources available for sharing concerns.
  • BSEMEA launched two updated policies: the Gifts & Entertainment Policy (including rules on travel involving third parties) and the Conflicts of Interest Policy. Both policies, which are effective as of January 2024, are supported by a digital disclosure tool accessible to all employees in the region. Employees who are part of the target audience have received live or online training on these policies in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Integrity Day Poster in Singapore (BSAPIC)

    Integrity Day Poster in Singapore (BSAPIC)

    In 2023, the BSAPIC team launched the Enable Policy Access project, which entails summarizing each compliance policy on a single page and combining it into a single e-book. The summary page provides a snapshot of key points for teammates to better appreciate the policies while the e-book ensures all compliance policies are located in one place. As one key initiative (implemented annually), Integrity Day is celebrated in almost all countries including Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea and Vietnam. The 2023 event was designed for all employee levels with a common theme focusing on Workplace Harassment to help realize the Bridgestone E8 commitment.
  • The 9th annual Ethics and Compliance Week (Bridgestone Americas) The 9th annual Ethics and Compliance Week (Bridgestone Americas)

    The 9th annual Ethics and Compliance Week (Bridgestone Americas)

    Strong engagement continued to be promoted in the Group’s Americas operation throughout 2023. One initiative, the 9th annual Ethics and Compliance Week, centered around the theme of integrity and data privacy and included leader-led roundtable discussions with teammates, Leading with Integrity Awards, a cookie-themed data privacy event and a game challenge.

The Group’s compliance team continues to pursue innovative and interactive methods of sharing information that will enable all employees to conduct business in an ethical and legally compliant manner.

The Group regularly requires management level employees in each region to reaffirm their commitment to the Code of Conduct and the ethics and compliance program.

Monitoring and responding

Speaking up and reporting concerns


The Group seeks to create an environment in which employees feel comfortable speaking up and knowing that they will be listened to.

A wide variety of resources are available to all Bridgestone Group employees and stakeholders to encourage them to speak up with questions or concerns. They can report their concerns through an employee’s supervisor, the Human Resources Department, the regional Chief Compliance Officer, the Law Department, Internal Audit Department and the BridgeLine (an ethics hotline). Once a concern has been raised, the matter will be promptly investigated by the appropriate function and in accordance with the Group’s internal investigation procedures. The Group actively monitors and analyzes data relating to its internal investigations, including, among other things, the types of matters reported, substantiation and anonymous reporting rates, the length of time taken to complete investigations and any disciplinary or corrective actions taken.

The Group has established the BridgeLine reporting systems (operated by third -party specialists) to allow all Group employees and any Bridgestone stakeholder (including, for example, contractors, suppliers, consumers and customers) to confidentially and anonymously report suspected criminal conduct; violations of the Code of Conduct (including bribery, facilitating payments, gifts and entertainment, money laundering and political contributions, and the Code’s provision on anti-corruption and various human rights violations); violations of other Company policies, or the law; or other ethical concerns and questions. BridgeLine is accessible to employees and non-employees through the corporate website and is publicly referenced in various documents, including the Code of Conduct. BridgeLine is a 24/7 hotline available in all regions and in multiple languages.


Internal investigations

Regardless of how an allegation of misconduct is raised, each report is thoroughly investigated by Bridgestone’s Compliance team or other relevant departments (such as Human Resources Department or Internal Audit Department) depending on the subject matter. Each region has detailed investigation procedures and protocols to help ensure the quality and consistency of investigations. Each region has developed and tracks certain data and metrics to identify risk areas and trends as well as assess the effectiveness of internal investigations. The results are provided regularly to the Board of Directors and each significant subsidiary around the world.

Substantiated or partially substantiated reports of wrongdoing may lead to disciplinary or corrective actions, including up to termination of employment. Regardless of the investigation outcome, process improvement opportunities may be identified to create a more effective control environment.

BridgeLine posters in multiple languages

BridgeLine posters in multiple languages

Each region makes significant efforts to promote BridgeLine and encourage a culture in which employees feel comfortable disclosing potential compliance issues. Each regional Group company regularly conducts campaigns centered on the “Speak Up!” message.

Reporting lines are only effective if employees feel secure that speaking up will not negatively impact their employment. The Group prohibits retaliation when business conduct or ethical issues are reported in good faith. This longstanding policy is incorporated into the new Code of Conduct and is reflected in numerous regional and local policies.

In 2023, a total of 1,443 BridgeLine reports and questions were received worldwide. The majority of reports and questions (37% to 68%, depending on the region) related to human resources issues including diversity, harassment, and workplace respect. A breakdown of the categories of reports and questions received globally appears below. Upon investigation, over 29 percent of reports were substantiated or partially substantiated. All confirmed violations resulted in appropriate corrective and/or mitigating action, including disciplinary measures up to and including termination. There were no significant confirmed reports in 2023 for the areas of corruption and antitrust/competition.

2023 BridgeLine Matters per Category

2023 BridgeLine Matters per Category

2023 BridgeLine Reports - Anonymity

2023 BridgeLine Reports - Anonymity


In addition to BridgeLine reports, Bridgestone reviews compliance with the Code of Conduct and identifies non-compliance through various methods, including periodic audits related to key compliance areas such as fraud and corruption.

Evaluating the compliance program and compliance risks

An effective ethics and compliance program must constantly evolve and be evaluated to ensure the company is addressing current risks and expectations. The Group actively monitors published legislative updates and resources such as Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) to understand the key compliance risks in the places where it does business.

Key compliance issues, including anti-corruption, antitrust, fraud and discrimination, have long been included in annual enterprise risk assessments, and breaches of regional codes of conduct and/or anti-corruption policies have been tracked on a regional and global basis. Formal and informal compliance-specific risk assessments have been conducted regionally for a deeper view of compliance risks since 2019.

Key risks identified through these processes are communicated to senior leadership on a regional and global basis. Controls are implemented to address critical risks, including corruption risks (such as risks related to facilitating payments, gifts and entertainment, money laundering and political contributions) in high-risk locations. These controls are carefully considered and strategically implemented to effectively counter significant risks without placing an undue burden on Bridgestone’s business.

The effectiveness of key controls, including those related to fraud, corruption and money laundering, are reviewed within the scope of periodic enterprise audits. In the spirit of continuous improvement (kaizen), processes and controls are frequently reviewed and optimized. Bridgestone’s new global compliance structure has created many opportunities for reviewing existing processes, identifying best practices and gaps, and implementing enhancements.

Similarly, the global compliance framework creates opportunities for reviewing and optimizing policies related to key compliance risks. When preparing Bridgestone’s global Code of Conduct, the company's Global Compliance team considered the effectiveness of existing regional policies and codes of ethics and sought to address any existing gaps. The Code of Conduct is a living document, and the global team will continue to review periodically its effectiveness and update it if necessary.

The compliance program is also reviewed and updated as needed to meet the goal of maintaining an effective compliance program. As its business and operations continue to evolve, the Group will also look at how to adapt its ethics and compliance programs to ensure that they remain relevant, adequately resourced and work effectively in practice. The Group periodically conducts self-assessments of the global and regional programs, and is completing an independent third party assessment of the global ethics and compliance program in 2024.

Relevant information
