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Consolidated number of employees (as of December 31, 2023)


Segment  2023
Japan*1 37,754
China, Asia Pacific 17,513
Americas 49,513
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa*2 20,419
Total 125,199
  1. "Japan" includes "Japan," "Other" and "Company-wide (common)" segments in the Annual Securities Report. This also applies to the following data tables on this page.
  2. The Group completed the transfer of the Russian business in December 2023.

Consolidated female ratio*1(as of December 31, 2023)

Female percentage Top managerial positions Managerial positions Junior managerial positions Total Other staff and positions Group total
Japan 2.2% 7.6% 5.7% 6.2% 13.4% 12.2%
China, Asia Pacific 9.9% 20.8% 10.6% 14.3% 9.5% 10.1%
Americas 26.5% 26.6% 21.5% 22.3% 10.1% 12.6%
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 3.0% 22.9% 15.1% 17.5% 11.9% 12.8%
Total 7.8% 17.9% 15.7% 16.1% 11.3% 12.2%

The Bridgestone Group’s female ratio is verified by LRQA Limited, a third-party institution, to ensure the accuracy and transparency of this information.

Independent Assurance Statement (241KB)

  • Ratios are based on full-time Group employees. Data (as of as of December 31, 2023) covers from 125,166 employees (99.7% of the Group).
  • Japan" includes "Japan," "Other" and "Company-wide (common)" segments in the Annual Securities Report.
  • The definitions of each category are as follows.
    Top managerial positions:
    Officer-equivalent (Executives & VPs)

    Managerial positions:
    Persons in charge of the management of an organization (Line Managers)

    Junior managerial positions:
    Persons who contribute to the organization with their individual knowledge and experience, or are in a position to guide the organization’s day-to-day management objectives.

Consolidated voluntary turnover rates (as of December 31, 2023)

Segment 2023
Japan 5.3%
Bridgestone Corporation 2.6%
China, Asia Pacific 9.5%
Americas US full-time employees 9.1%
US retail hourly employees 39.3%
US manufacturing and logistics hourly employees 10.1%
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 4.1%

Consolidated total turnover rates (as of December 31, 2023)

Segment 2023
Japan 7.7%
Bridgestone Corporation 4.3%
China, Asia Pacific 18.9%
Americas US full-time employees 12.2%
US retail hourly employees 52.6%
US manufacturing and logistics hourly employees 23.6%
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 10.0%

Ratio of workforce based on age groups (as of December 31, 2023)

Segment 2023
<30 years old 30-50 years old >50 years old
Japan 12.5% 68.5% 19.0%
China, Asia Pacific 19.1% 72.5% 8.4%
Americas 25.1% 53.9% 21.1%
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 12.6% 68.9% 18.5%

Consolidated number of new employee hires

Japan 2,585
Bridgestone Corporation 748
China, Asia Pacific 1,766
Americas US full-time employees 792
US retail hourly employees 9,829
US manufacturing and logistics hourly employees 1,758
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 1,036

Consolidated percentage of open positions filled by internal hires

Japan* 62.1%
China, Asia Pacific 14.8%
Americas US full-time employees 54.7%
US retail hourly employees 34.9%
US manufacturing and logistics hourly employees 3.4%
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 53.0%

* The data in this table covers Bridgestone Corporation and its group companies in Japan and indicates percentage of positions filled by internal applicants through an internal application system.

Employment status of Bridgestone Corporation

  2020 2021 2022 2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Permanent Senior officers (persons)*1 34 0 34 9 0 9 9 0 9 11 0 11
Managers (persons)*2 1,394 44 1,438 1,399 47 1,446 1,253 56 1,309 1,251 68 1,319
Staff (persons) 12,099 1,287 13,386 12,042 1,248 13,290 11,454 1,131 12,585 11,612 1,164 12,776
Total 13,527 1,331 14,858 13,450 1,295 14,745 12,716 1,187 13,903 12,874 1,232 14,106
Percentage of female managers*3 - - 2.4% - - 2.6% - - 3.4% - - 4.3%
Average age (years) 40.3 41.2 40.4 41.0 41.9 41.0 41.4 42.7 41.5 41.5 42.5 41.6
Average service period (years) 14.4 13.7 14.3 14.9 14.4 14.9 15.2 15.3 15.2 15.2 14.9 15.2
New graduate recruitment (persons) 181 47 228 95 19 114 99 15 114 179 35 214
Mid-career recruitment (persons) 307 16 323 179 9 188 195 8 203 463 71 534
Turnover*3 (persons) 199 32 231 254 42 296 396 43 439 352 40 392
- - 1.5% - - 1.9% - - 3.0% - - 2.6%
Temporary Full-time (persons) 1,074 87 1,161 967 94 1,061 1,221 110 1,331 1,209 113 1,322
Part-time (persons) 16 9 25 16 10 26 19 10 29 19 9 28
  1. Data for 2021 and beyond are the number of Vice President and Senior Officers only, while data for 2019 and 2020 include other officers, too. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in 2020.
  2. Managers of the Company refer to line managers (executive and management levels), specialists and coordinators.
  3. The Company’s target (7.5% by the end of 2025) and result for the percentage of female managers and turnover include those seconded to other regions or other companies belonging to the Company.

Collective bargaining

The Group regularly negotiates collective bargaining agreements with labor unions at many locations worldwide, and also in Japan the company negotiates any revision of salary and working conditions every spring.

Percentage of total workforce covered by an independent trade union or collective bargaining agreements (as of December 31, 2023)

Segment 2023
Japan 72.0%
Bridgestone Corporation 100.0%
China, Asia Pacific 89.3%
Americas 27.8%
Europe, Russia, Middle East, India and Africa 53.8%
Total 50.9%

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