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Grievance Mechanism

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Grievance procedure for natural rubber supply chain

The Bridgestone Group believes all stakeholders throughout its natural rubber supply chain play a constructive role in improving its sustainability. To support implementation of our Global Sustainable Procurement Policy, the Group is committed to managing a grievance mechanism which allows stakeholders to raise grievances related to its policy. The Group is committed to an open and transparent process where all grievances will be dealt with fairly and in a timely manner. Results of this process will be publicly disclosed.

The Bridgestone grievance mechanism will align with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights criteria for effective and non-judicial grievance mechanisms: legitimacy, accessibility, predictability, equitability, transparency, rights-compatible, a source of continuous learning, and based on engagement and dialogue.

Bridgestone’s grievance mechanism serves as a guide to review, address, and monitor the outcome of any grievance from any external stakeholder concerning the Global Sustainable Procurement Policy across Bridgestone’s global supply chain.

To address non-compliances, Bridgestone will support upstream engagement with natural rubber supply chain actors and collaborate in industry efforts aimed at addressing social and environmental issues in rubber supply chain.

Standard operating procedure

Grievance procedure for natural rubber supply chain (248KB)

Submitting a grievance

Grievances should include the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Email address
  • Organization name (if any)
  • Date of occurrence
  • Description of the grievance in detail
  • Evidences to support the grievance (if any)
  • Any requests for confidentiality

Grievances can be submitted through any of the following channels:
Please note that we cannot reply in case the submitted grievance is not related with the issues in natural rubber supply chain.


Web Form

Grievance List

The Bridgestone Group continues to address the received grievance by engaging with the supplier and a third-party, in accordance with the Bridgestone Group’s standard operating procedure. The recent status of the investigation and corrective action progress is summarized in the grievance list, provided in the link below.

Grievance List (272KB)Updated in December 2024

The Group will keep updating the status of each grievance on this page quarterly to ensure transparency. The Group also continues to review relevant information in the public domain such as in media and NGO reports and evaluate the effectiveness of the Group's Grievance Mechanism with the support of a third-party, Civil-Society organization, and will, as needed, develop an improvement action plan.
