Overcoming a Pre-Race Accident to Win an Award!

Top Dutch Solar Racing

Top Dutch Solar Racing

Solar car name
Green Thunder
4.99m x 1.26m x 1m
150.7 kg
Appealing point
The combination of an orange nose and the green color!
Team Member

In what year was the team established? And when was the first year to participate BWSC?

Established in 2017. First year of participation BWSC in 2019

Review BWSC 2023 - How do you feel when looking back on this year's race?

The BWSC was a tough race for us. This was because our team had an accident with the solar deck before the race began. As a result, we only had 2 weeks to repair it. Participating in the BWSC after working on it for 1.5 years was almost coming to an end. However, through hard work, we managed to pull it off and even secured a 6th place. We are extremely proud of this!

How important are tyres for a solar car? And what do you think about BS ENLITEN® tyre?
Is there any tyre performance you would expect for 2025?

Tires are crucial for the race, especially if you want to drive through Australia as quickly as possible. What's important is that the tires can last long enough. This was already very good last year, but we still expect it to get even better with the BS ENLITEN® tires!

Resolution for BWSC 2025 - Please share your target goal for next year's race. How do you plan to improve this year's machine?

By participating in 3 challenges at the BWSC, we hope to combine these 3 amazing cars into a fourth solar car that brings innovative ideas applicable to the sustainable future.

Message to the future teammates aspiring to compete BWSC 2025

Go crazy and get creative with innovative ideas. Dive into the solar car community and relish the opportunity to take part in this fantastic challenge in the beautiful Australia!